Cosplay Confessions: KevinDCosplay — Level Up Entertainment

Cosplay Confessions: KevinDCosplay


Cosplay Confessions is a series we do to spotlight and get to understand the wonderful members of our cosplay community (and beyond!). This time we have the extremely impressive costume stylings of KevinDCosplay.

How did you get into cosplay?

I went to a comic con in NY in the early 90s. I made my own Spider-Man cosplay. I went with a buddy that bought a Ruby's Batman costume. After that, I started to buy and make more costumes. I started my own party entertainment business. Since then, I've been attending comic cons and events. I'm also one of the founders of the cosplay charity group, The Philadelphia Avengers. I've always been attending charity events in costumes, so it was nice to do it with friends.

Why do you like cosplaying?

Mostly to see my friends, and make new friends. I've met a lot of great friends cosplaying.

What have been your favorite character(s) to cosplay?

Probably Batman. I'm a huge Spider-Man fan, but Batman has those wonderful toys! I also love cosplaying villians. Negan, Joker, Darth Vader! It's mostly the attitude the villains have. When I'm Negan, swinging around Lucille. It's just fun.

How do you put together your costumes?

I use a combination of making and buying pieces. I love finding a good deal on Ebay on pieces I can use. I also enjoy using foam, and 3D parts of costumes. I may see a character that catches my eye, I then research it. Look for photos and different versions. I also look at other cosplayers, and see how they did it. There are so many great ones.

Was has been some of your favorite conventions/events to cosplay at?

I do love Wizard World Philly. I get to see and hang out with friends. Great Philadelphia Comic Con also. They're close enough where I can drive and do maybe one day, or the whole weekend. There are some great smaller ones too. Ocean City NJ Comic Con is a great one. As for events, there are so many charity events I've done. Just making people smile. The kids love superheroes.

What is one of your favorite cosplay stories?

Stories? I have so many. Most of them involve seeing and hanging with my friends.

What are some of the challenges you've had to overcome being a cosplayer?

When I started, there really wasn't "cosplay". Over the years I've really seen the community grow and change. A lot of drama too. I try to stay away from all that. Done a pretty good job. I've tried to stop cosplaying, but it never seems to take. Love it!

What advice would you give someone if they were interested in getting into cosplay?

Just do it! If you need to buy a costume, buy it! You can always try and make one later. It's all about having fun. Just have fun, and enjoy yourself. The cosplay community is pretty awesome, and just be yourself.

What character would you LOVE to tackle someday?

Lately, I've been getting more into anime. I'd like to do an anime character in the future. I haven't really picked one yet. We will see!

What has been your biggest cosplay achievement?

I was a guest at Wizard World Philly in 2015. That was pretty exciting. I've been a guest at a few cons since then.
I would say my biggest achievement would be starting the Philly Avengers with my friends. We've really grown and done a lot of good.

Where can people find you?

I'm KevinDCosplay on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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