Cosplay Confessions is a series we do to spotlight and get to understand the wonderful members of our cosplay community (and beyond!). This time we have the lovely Carter Cosplay.
How did you get into cosplay?
I always loved Halloween and dressing up, but it wasn’t until the first time that I went to Wizard World in Philadelphia that I was introduced to cosplay. I had no clue what it was or that it even existed. My friend Katie took me after we worked the School Days a the New Jersey Renaissance Faire and I was just blown away by all the people and costumes. I remember getting a photo with a Captain America, Michael Mullins (Captain Cosplay) and thought, yep, Captain America cosplayer, I’ve got to cosplay something from there. I met Cate (Starbuck Cosplay), a Peggy Carter cosplayer who was nice enough keep in touch with me and got me into a Peggy Carter Cosplay group on Facebook. I was so excited and it was amazing to have such great support coming into cosplay and how to get started. From there, I was able to build my first cosplay, Peggy Carter and have been going strong ever since.
Why do you like cosplaying?
I like cosplaying because I wish it was Halloween all year round and with cosplay, it is. Not only do I like dressing up in costumes and doing cosplay, I am never too busy to help someone new get into cosplay or even defining cosplay which is just putting on a costume and having fun. I have headed many panels up and down the East Coast as well as the West Coast with Cosplay 101 - what is it, how to be a cosplayer, where to start and many more topics covered.
What have been your favorite character(s) to cosplay?
I love Agent Carter!!! I really enjoy playing Agent Carter from Captain America as well as Captain Carter which is the female version of Captain America. There are so many versions of her to play and I don’t think I will ever reach the goal of owning or making all the amazing dresses from the television series. I think she is the strongest comic book female out there and even though she has no powers, she still gets the job done. She is a very strong female character. I also went out on a limb and have a few costumes I have designed for Hydra Peggy Carter. I figured there can be a Hydra Steve Rogers, so why not?
How do you put together your costumes?
A lot of what characters I play, especially Agent Carter who is vintage, it’s sometimes hard to find the patterns and I have to draft my own patterns for sewing. However, there have been many times where I have started with just a basic dress and have transformed it into a costume. That goes for anything really. You can start with just a basic shirt, pants, skirt and do no sewing. And it’s ok for cosplayers to purchase their costumes. I don’t think I’ve known anyone who didn’t store buy pieces of their costumes. I do my own sewing and have been sewing since I was around 6 years old. It does take time and there will be people in the cosplay community that can help. Also, always look in your own closet before purchasing anything. You would be surprised of what you can cosplay from things you already have.
Was has been some of your favorite conventions/events to cosplay at?
All the places I’ve cosplayed at are my favorite!!! I really Level Up at the Hamilton Mall because of all the amazing people that come out for Free Comic Book day, Bat Man Day and Halloween. It’s nice having something local and in my own backyard to go to. Best thing is, they’re always free to get into and they have the best artists and vendors around!
What is one of your favorite cosplay stories?
There are so many favorite cosplay stories! My favorite ones would involve kids and the looks on their faces when they see my shield and run over right away to see me. I really love doing it for the kids and it makes them happy to see someone dressed as their favorite super hero. Just by talking with them, doing photos and sometimes even hanging out with them is amazing. It’s even better getting a group of cosplayers together to take a photo with kids and really making their day.
What are some of the challenges you've had to overcome being a cosplayer?
My biggest challenge I have overcome as a cosplayer is myself. I am not skinny or tall and didn’t think I could cosplay until I met other cosplayers who thought the same thing. They helped me get over the body image and promote body positive cosplay (another panel I have been part of). It doesn’t matter what your body type is, you can cosplay anything you want. We’re all made differently and that’s a good thing. Cosplay does not discriminate whether you’re skinny, big, color, race, whether you have money or no money you can still cosplay and be what you want to be. Never let anything hold you back.
What advice would you give someone if they were interested in getting into cosplay?
The advice that I would give someone if they were interested in getting into cosplay would be to just do it! Pick a character you love and just do it! You will find people to connect with, Facebook is a great place to find cosplay groups and they have one for everything. It’s a great place to get started. Also, don’t let money hold you back from cosplaying. Take a look around your house and what you already have. Some of the best cosplays I have ever seen, cost almost nothing to make.
What character would you LOVE to tackle someday?
The character I would LOVE to tackle someday would be Princess Leia all the way though to General Leia. I may be a late bloomer in the Star Wars chain, but if I’m going to start, it would gave to be with Princess Leia. She is another great character and dearly missed.
What has been your biggest cosplay achievement?
My biggest cosplay achievement was being on the Besame Cosmetics Panel and a guest at the San Diego Comic Con. Besame Cosmetics is the company that created the lipstick for Agent Carter which is 1946 Red Velvet. The owner of the company, Gabriela Hernandez is a wonderful and fantastic person and it was such a great joy to be on the stage with her. Not only was I privileged to be a guest on the panel, but after we had an autograph and photo session. The line almost wrapped around the convention center. I would love to go back again and be a guest at the San Diego Comic Con.
Where can people find you?

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