Our online birthday celebration continues! From Sunday, August 16 to Saturday, August 22 there will be birthday cakes hidden on various items throughout our webstore. Simply click on them to let us know you found them. The more cake you find, the more prizes you will get! We have a TON of comics, posters, graphic novels, toys, and more to giveaway, so good luck searching! The help you along your quest we have a few clues here for you. So let us do our best Riddler impression and say “Riddle me this…”
Retro Video Games
Zapping Plumbers
Blast processing makes you gotta go fast
Anagram: Rabid Metro
What Killed the dinosaurs?
When you have a ghost in your machine, who ya gonna call?
This game really “sucks”
Yeah but can it play this?
X marks the spot
I'm Walkin' on _____
You're telling me you made a game, out of a movie?
Dusk Royalty
Altered Underage Warriors
Shaken. Not slapped.
Oh yeah, everything’s falling into place
Graphic Novels
Black and White and Red All Over
Where you learn to deal with a rainy day.
Fe Male
Who Watches the ______?
An Abundant Glove
What every kid wants in the fall.
Bizarre Happenings
Anagram: A Mexican Ram Gum
Sonic el erizo
The meeting of animal based urban combatants
What leaves you dead with a smile?
It's the Name of the Treasure!
Red White Blue Yellow
No one wishes to be regular
Anagaram: America Hay Mode
Lunar Mariner
A man who thought he was a loner