Last Session is a comic series published by Mad Cave Studios created by Jasmine Walls and DOZERDRAWS, releasing on December 1st 2021.
In Last Session several friends are looking to get together and finish a 4-year long session of “Dice & Deathtraps” (an obvious Dungeons & Dragons game). They’ve been playing since High School and it’s now or never as everyone is splitting ways going to college and getting careers. All goes awry when the DM’s (Dungeon Masters) partner, Cass, joins the group for this last session and doesn’t mesh with the group right away. Heads will be butt, and not-so-nice words will be said, but will it ruin this friend group's last session of Dice & Deathtraps?
I’m going to be upfront with this, I am biased in this review as I really like this artist and have been following them way before this comic came out. I haven’t read anything by this author though, so there is at least that. DOZERDRAWS has a very distinct style that you might say is my “brand”. It’s simple, blocky with large shapes making up characters, cartoony, and it’s really just my jam. It’s a simple style that allows the characters to shine. This is perfect because this book is a very character-focused story, following this group of 5 friends from young high schoolers to adults with terrible jobs and scholarships and writing agents, and just all the fun stuff that comes with adulthood. The comedy in here is perfect for me, a person with several friends who are baristas, several who don’t qualify for the “entry-level” jobs they apply to, and others who just really need to finish this paper tonight- please dear god. Following on the verge of college, or fresh out of High School adults, is going to affect who will get the most enjoyment out of this book, but I still find it to be a great read for all, even those skewing younger.
The energy in the parts of the story where we follow the D&D story is perfect. Everyone is in character, yet their real-world counterparts’ personalities still kind of shine through. Also overall the setting itself is just VERY D&D; the group is lost in ruins because “What decent kingdom doesn’t have at least one creepy ruin for a little ambiance?” The group scouts ahead for dangers, they get mad when Cass doesn’t check a room for traps before entering. Overall the D&D references and vibe is just super there and great for anyone who is a fan of the genre.
This book is also steeped in LGBTQA+ themes (the group starts playing D&D in a LGBTQA+ club at high school). There is a nonbinary character right off and I’m sure as we delve into these characters further we’ll find more LGBTQA+ themes. I somehow find this also very much a D&D thing, at least in my corner of the hobby, as I’ve met many friends in the LGBTQA+ spectrum through D&D and general tabletop RPG settings. There is a Venn Diagram type crossover of the two communities that is pretty significant and I'm glad to see it played up here. It’s also nice to see this incredibly diverse group represented here. A lot of tabletop RPGs can be very white, very cis-male, very hetero, and not welcoming to those outside those categories. There are a few D&D-based books out there, but as of writing this I can only think of the D&D official comic book, Stranger Things comic, and weirdly the Rick & Morty crossover book. These don’t generally offer the diversity this book offers and I’m glad it’s there for the people who it represents. Not saying that if you fit into the top three categories you won’t enjoy this book, quite the contrary, I think these themes and characters only add to the story and make it better for all.
Overall this is a great story that I will be picking up as it comes out starting in December this year, and if you feel the same way I do or are at least curious enough to pick up the first issue, you’ll stop by either our Mays Landing or Somers Point store and pre-order a copy for yourself! Pre-ordering comics at a Local Comic Shop (such as ourselves) really helps us determine what is popular and how many of certain issues to get. Otherwise, we’re really just making shots in the dark as to how many issues of any comic to order. If you can’t make it in but still want to get the series you can click the button below and it’ll lead you to the sign-up form for our subscription service! (You can also sign up for this service in any of our stores!)
Comic Sneak Peek!
We got a few pages to show you guys from the publisher, Mad Cave Studios, check them out and see if you like what you see (and read)!