September 18, 2021 Becca Swezeny A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance Preview Review September 18, 2021 Becca Swezeny Becca previewed the new Image series from Rick Remender. Hopefully, their thoughts help get you excited for this upcoming title!
December 2, 2019 Scott Fine Gallery: DMC December 2, 2019 Scott Fine We were beyond excited to host legendary rapper DMC for a signing of his comic DMC!
December 26, 2018 Scott Fine Local Artist Spotlight: The Six Swords December 26, 2018 Scott Fine We have many wonderful comics by amazing local talent that we have to highlight them!It’s six WILDLY different swordsmen versus the world. I feel sorry for the world.
April 11, 2018 Becca Swezeny What Superman Means to Level Up Entertainment April 11, 2018 Becca Swezeny All of us at the store are a comic fan in one way or another, we pretty much have to be to work here. Although some of us may not be the biggest super hero or DC fans, Superman has been there and has affected us in some way or another.